Ruby Red Fern. Selaginella Erythropusis
1 gallon pot.
Under optimal conditions the underside will be a ruby red color, contrasting nicely with the green to dark green surface coloration.
Great and healthy full plant.
Care instructions come with the plant, but you need to know that will love:
Unlike other Selaginella species, Ruby Red is a slow grower, preferring partial shade and high humidity.
1 gallon pot.
Under optimal conditions the underside will be a ruby red color, contrasting nicely with the green to dark green surface coloration.
Great and healthy full plant.
Care instructions come with the plant, but you need to know that will love:
Unlike other Selaginella species, Ruby Red is a slow grower, preferring partial shade and high humidity.
1 gallon pot.
Under optimal conditions the underside will be a ruby red color, contrasting nicely with the green to dark green surface coloration.
Great and healthy full plant.
Care instructions come with the plant, but you need to know that will love:
Unlike other Selaginella species, Ruby Red is a slow grower, preferring partial shade and high humidity.